Corner of Ashgrove Ave
& Waterworks Rd,

PHONE (07) 3366 0346

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Our Services

Whether you are looking for a quick cut, or an entirely new look, we’ve got you covered. See the full service offering below…

Refresh & Restyle

Sometimes it’s not enough to just get a cut, you need that little bit extra…
Our Refresh and Restyle includes a shampoo, condition, and head massage,
as well as the timeless Gentleman’s Cut to restyle that manly noggin.

Gentleman’s Cut

The most enduring service of the humble barber remains the Gentleman’s Cut.
Bringing you back to civilisation from the shaggy-mop-head-land that you find yourself in,
the Gentleman’s Cut is by far our most popular service.

Young Man’s Cut

Just like a Gentleman’s Cut but on a smaller head,
this service is reserved exclusively for clients yet to reach the age of fourteen years.

Student’s Cut

A Gentleman’s Cut, but cheaper for the ‘struggling‘ Students among us,
this service is reserved exclusively for clients who are studying and can prove it.

Distinguished Gentleman’s Cut

When the room is filled with charisma and experience, we’ll save you a dollar or two for some wisdom.
Reserved for gentlemen who have roamed the planet for at least 65 years.

Age Pensioner’s Cut

Just like a Distinguished Gentleman’s Cut, but with a greater discount for the Magic Card in your pocket.

The Goss Buzz Cut

SHAVE IT BABY… yes, the Goss Buzz Cut is clippers, all over.
Zero, One, Two or Three, you get it fast, but not for free.

Gentleman’s Fade

Now we’re talking a bit more effort and specially installed lighting to reduce shadowing for the perfect fade…

Young Man’s Fade

We’re still talking about the perfect fade… just on a smaller head.
We reserve this service for anyone who hasn’t yet reached the age of eighteen years.

Gentleman’s ZERO-Fade

Now, this is going to take a fair bit more effort and a steady experienced hand.
Starting with no blade and perfectly fading it to whatever is left on top…

Beard Trim & Shape

The beard trim is a haircut for the bottom half of your head… and we shape it just like we do the top.

Gentleman’s Shave

This is the pièce de résistance of men’s barbering.
We Shape and Trim the facial hair that you intend on keeping… and cutthroat the rest.
There is NOTHING like a barber’s shave.

Hot Towels

Every service includes a hot towel to refresh your head and send you back into the world feeling grand.

A little known fact is that back in Shakespearean days, barbers were also surgeons… and it was from the blood-soaked rags
hung to dry at the fronts of shops that led to the red and white barbers poles we see today.
Lucky we don’t do surgery anymore eh?!

Meet the Goss Barbers Team

To book?
Or not to book?

We’ve provided on-the-spot cuts and shaves from the day we opened.
So walk in any time.

If you’d like to make a booking, we’ll be introducing online booking soon – we love to know you’re coming…